Tang Chuan was silent for a while and said to Tang Cai, who asked for his opinion, "Go ahead, he will let us evolve again. This process will be completed in several times and you should be able to restore your original strength before long."

Tang Cai smell speech stare big eyes left see Tang Chuan right see annihilation heart has turned up the waves. Can quickly restore their original strength? Peak demigod? ? ? Isn’t that a lot of resources limited to the holy spirit domain? Or … In the sight of this famous zeras creature … Just a […]

Volume 5 Feilong Day Chapter 33 Continued life!

Residents who wear mulberry fields and walk around the pond and ghost valley frequently look around and stop in front of a quiet bamboo house with Jianghan, Li Qiubai and Lin Youyou. The bamboo shed opens three doors, one hall and two halls, and the ghost valley stands out from the crowd. In front of […]

This is still a mysterious blood third-degree violent blood situation. If there is no such state, Norton may cut him off in a sprint.

But he can’t limit himself in this state. He is full today, but he will definitely not last for twenty minutes. The situation is very unfavorable to them. If Brother Chu and them can’t help themselves break the game in fifteen minutes, I’m afraid he will take a risk and can’t work hard until the […]

These mechanical bats surged out like locusts, and it was dark and covered the sky, and the terrible mechanical army swept everywhere.

The ancient kings’ conjectures came true. With the passage of time, the number of mechanical armies increased several times, and this time the number of mechanical armies far exceeded that of mechanical monsters in Chuangshengmen. If it was a pioneer of mechanical gens, then this time it is the real army of mechanical gens. Surrounded […]

Priest Sa ‘a speaks simply.

Let’s see where it looks like a patriarch Chief Xiong Neng is embarrassed to touch his nose. Eminem Xiong Ye is also a little eager to find a crack in the ground. Why is it so fascinating by that spied? Su Yuanshi especially understands. Nuts are things that love to eat and people love to […]

"That’s a good feeling!"

Pig quit hearing this Sun Wu couldn’t help laughing. Look at him. I’m glad to see Tailaojun unlucky. Then pig quit and some nai shook his head. "I haven’t seen my sister for a few days. She is always with Yang Jian now. It’s really hard for me to see her." Pig ring and Yang […]

Meal tickets …

Many people rely on him to eat meat. Tang Chuan is thinking about another problem instead at the moment, that is, his memory was not penetrated into his brain by Tang De just now, and Tang De didn’t have the ability in this respect. That bit of complicated spiritual energy is more like a sobering […]